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Showing posts from August, 2021

Property Potential: Factors to Consider in Real Estate Investment

Written By: Jacquelyn Annete García Vadnais When considering whether to purchase a property, there are several factors that must be studied to determine whether the property will be a good or bad investment. One of the most important parts of the sales process is the inspection. During the inspection, there will be a chance to look at the house closely. In order to learn more about what positive indicators or detrimental red flags to look for in order to determine if a property is a good or bad investment, please review the information below: Indicators a Property Could Be a Good Investment The Property Has a New Roof Having a newer roof, is a positive indicator when determining if a home is a wise investment. The average roof lasts for close to 20 years . If a roof needs to be replaced the median price in the United States is $7,747. Finding out that a new roof has recently been installed or that the home was constructed only a couple of years ago will decrease the cost of repairs.